Dear Sirs!
INVENTRA has the pleasure of announcing the Sixteenth International «Polyethylene. Polypropylene 2019» Conference.
Date: March 22, 2019
Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow
Despite the particular attention that Russia’s leadership pays to the development of plastics industry, there is little stability or balance in the polyolefin industry: the feedstock price continues to grow rapidly, while the demand for end product is decreasing.
The current situation in the global oil industry can be and should be exploited to create incentives for the development of the domestic market. The Russian economy requires changes which should be implemented in a way that small and medium-sized businesses have the opportunity to develop, and at the same time to be independent from international financial volatility.
There are numerous challenges that converting companies are facing, which is common knowledge. The feedstock pricing, the lack of specialty chemicals and local additives are the most sensitive problems. How should consumption of PE and PP in the local market be stimulated? How will the polyolefin export situation change in view of intense competition from China, the United States and the Middle East? Is it possible to soften the monetary policy and to ensure the sufficient financial resources for the industry? How soon?
With well-targeted support from the state and from regulatory bodies, and through constructive dialogue between all the stakeholders, the industry can find the right development vector and can overcome the crisis.
• Russian and global polyolefin markets.
• Changes in production structure of PE and PP in Russia.
• Market capacity and trends in demand.
• Volumes and structure of imports and exports.
• Pricing situation in Russian and international polyolefin markets.
• Industry support measures.
• Interdependence of producers, converters and traders in the new economic reality.
• Development outlook and opportunities for new plastics converting products.
• Expanding the application areas.
We suggest that these and other important topics be discussed during the forthcoming Conference.
We will be delighted to welcome you among the Conference participants!
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88 or e-mail:
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¹ Creon Conferences publishes information and provides services for participants of the global market, that’s why we need to share your personal data with Creon Conferences and service providers, both in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and outside it.