Tuesday, 22nd October
Tuesday, 22nd October

Privacy Policy

This document is a single set of all legally relevant information necessary to bring to the users of an information resource on the Internet, based at https://creon-conferences.com / (hereinafter referred to as the Site) due to the direct requirements of the current Russian legislation and the norms of international law in the field of personal data protection applicable on the territory of the Russian Federation by virtue of international agreements and ratified conventions.

The Site belongs to the Limited Liability Company “Creon Conferences” (OGRN 1177746028151, TIN 7736287549, (hereinafter – the Company)). Location data, OKVED codes and other essential information about the Company are publicly available on the portal of the Federal Tax Service of the Russian Federation.

The Privacy Policy applies to any information posted on the Site that can be obtained by any users of the Site during its use (hereinafter referred to as the User).

The use of all the features and services of the Site means the User’s unconditional consent to the Privacy Policy and the conditions for processing his personal information specified therein. In case of disagreement with these terms, the User should refrain from using all the services of the Site.

The purpose of posting the Privacy Policy on the Site is the Company’s compliance with the current federal legislation of the Russian Federation.

Along with Russian legislation, the Company also strives to comply with the EU Regulation 2016/679 General Data Regulation (GDPR) of 27.04.2016, which entered into force on 25.05.2018, establishing requirements for personal data operators of the European Union states (without additional implementation) and for operators outside the European Union (cross-border nature), including Russian personal data operators whose Internet-resources can be visited by a User from the European Union.

The Privacy Policy describes how the Company collects and processes personal data of the Site User for marketing purposes, promotion of its services on the Internet and, in addition, the collection of User data will allow the most effective way to organize and plan participation in events organized by the Company.

Within the framework of the Privacy Policy, the User’s personal information is understood as:

— personal information that the User provides about himself independently or during the use of the Services, including the User’s personal data;

— data that is automatically transmitted to the Site services during their use using the software installed on the User’s device, including IP address, cookie data, information about the User’s browser (or other program that accesses the Site services), technical characteristics of the equipment and software used by the User, the date and time of access to the Site’s services, the addresses of the requested pages and other similar information.

The Privacy Policy applies only to the Site. The Site does not control and is not responsible for third-party websites to which the User can be redirected by  links available on the Site.

The processing of personal data obtained as a result of using the Site (for example, full name, e-mail address) is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Federal Law No. 152-FZ of 27.07.2006 “On Personal Data Protection”. All information will be used exclusively for the purposes for which it was provided to the Company.

With respect to the User’s personal information, its confidentiality is maintained, except in cases where the User voluntarily provides information about himself for general access to an unlimited number of persons. When using certain services, the User agrees that a certain part of his personal information becomes publicly available.

The Site has the right to transfer the User’s personal information to third parties in the following cases:

— The user has agreed to such actions;

— the transfer is necessary for the User to use a certain service of the Site or to fulfill a certain agreement or contract with the User;

— the transfer is provided for by Russian or other applicable legislation within the framework of the procedure established by law;

— in the case of the sale of the Site, all obligations to comply with the terms of the Privacy Policy in relation to the personal information received by the acquirer pass to the acquirer.

The Site collects and stores only the personal information that is necessary for the provision of services or the execution of agreements and contracts with the User, except in cases where the legislation provides for the mandatory storage of personal information for a period specified by law.

The Site processes the User’s personal information for the following purposes:

— User identification;

— providing the User with access to personalized Site resources;

— establishing feedback with the User, including sending notifications, requests regarding the use of the Site, the provision of services, processing requests  from the User;

— determining the location of the User to ensure security, fraud prevention;

— confirmation of the accuracy and completeness of the personal data provided by the User;

— notifying the Site User about changes in the Privacy Policy and other terms of interaction with the Company;

— providing the User with effective customer and technical support in case of problems related to the use of the Site;

— carrying out advertising activities with the consent of the User.

The Site will process and store the collected personal data of the User only for the period necessary to achieve the purpose of storage or in accordance with legal requirements.

In particular, the Company will not store the User’s personal data on the Site:

— longer than 24 months after the expiration of the relevant agreement with the Company, if we are talking about the personal data of its business partner;

— social media data, if the User interacted with the Company on the social media platform;

— about using the Site in an identifiable form for longer than 24 months.

If the Company suspects that litigation may arise between it and the User, the Company reserves the right to store the relevant data for a longer period than indicated above, as long as it is necessary for judicial protection.

After the specified storage periods, the User’s personal data will be deleted or anonymized.

Personal data concerning the Site User may be processed or transmitted by the Company in connection with responses to requests, as well as in connection with registration for the provision of services offered by the Company through its website and requested by the Site User himself, at whose request the Company may delete his personal data from its database.

Data is not encrypted when transmitted through the Site. In this regard, it is impossible to exclude the possibility of unauthorized access by third parties to the transmitted data, as well as data falsification. As a result, the Site User is advised to refrain from transmitting confidential information to the Company through the Site.

The Company has the right to make changes to the Privacy Policy without the User’s consent. The new Privacy Policy comes into force from the moment it is posted on the Site, unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Privacy Policy.

Tuesday, 22nd October
Tuesday, 22nd October