Dear Sirs,
CREON Conferences have the pleasure of inviting you to the XII International «Polycarbonate 2021» Conference, which will be held at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow on March 12.
The Russian polycarbonate market has been stagnating over the past few years. However the COVID-19 pandemic has brought some positive adjustments for the industry: the import and domestic production of feedstock has grown; the export of final products to the EU is higher, too. With the autumn season approaching, Russian producers have ordered new equipment and have increased production capacity both for monolithic and for cellular polycarbonate.
We invite all the interested market players to sum up the results of the year and to discuss the prospects of the polycarbonate industry.
Key Conference topics include:
• Russian and global polycarbonate market overview
• Alternative development paths of Russian market
• Capacity expansion: new trends, market niches and sales channels
We will be delighted to welcome you among the delegates!
To request more information about the event and to register please contact us by phone +7(495) 276-77-88 or e-mail:
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