Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

Plastics in Medicine Industry 2018

Dear Sirs!

INVENTRA has the pleasure of inviting you to the International «Plastics in Medicine Industry 2018» Conference.

Date: May 29, 2018
Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

Local production of medical products in Russia grew by more than 15% since 2015. According to the estimate of the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, domestic producers occupy 18.5% of the market. A 50-60% share of imports in the national markets across the world are considered to be normal practice, and a similar benchmark is set out in the Development strategy adopted for Russia’s medical industry (the target is 40% of local supply by 2020).

Russian producers of plastic-based medical products successfully compete with the imports in certain segments, but the high-value products are mainly procured abroad, as the local analogues often turn out to be much more expensive. The high-quality feedstock polymers for the medicine applications are in shortage locally, so Russian converters have to purchase raw materials from abroad thus reducing own margins and increasing the cost of products. At the same time, the medical products segment is not a large market for the plastics producers: the existing level of consumption simply would not make development of special grades feasible. Will the endless circle ever be broken?

In some applications like production of single-use syringes, the share of imports is still high and continues to grow. The government’s decision to substitute imports in state procurement should contribute to changes. On paper, it is a useful regulation to develop local production. However in practice, the state-owned companies are drafting the tender documentation in a way to reflect the properties of the imported products, not the Russia-made. It should also be noted, that if the fight against imports goes too far, this can lead to monopolizing specific market niches by individual Russian producers. What measures should be adopted by the government to stimulate the development of the market in Russia?

To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:


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