Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

PET 2020

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

CREON Conferences has the pleasure of inviting you to the Sixteenth International Conference “PET 2020” and the Sixth International Conference “RPET and Recycled Plastics 2020”. Events will take place on February 13-14 at the Hotel Baltschug Kempinski, Moscow.

The Russian PET market has almost recovered after the last year events, when a number of negative factors led to a shortage of PET and a following sharp increase in prices. Currently, the situation is stable and there are no obvious threats to the market. The danger of a complete ban of pet packaging for beer has passed, and accordingly, there should be no further reduction of consumption volumes. At first glance, the situation is quite comfortable.

Nevertheless, there are some changes coming up at Russian PET market which are quite connected to global market. There is a big trend of fundamental change in market consumption patterns avoiding traditional types and forms of packaging. Plastic packaging is banned at the state level in many countries. Social responsibility and eco trends become more relevant and even fashionable not only for consumers, who sometimes do not have a sufficient level of knowledge, but also for global chemical companies.

Recycled plastics are increasingly used in the production of packaging and according to the plans of multinational companies in the near future, it will completely replace the virgin material. This trend is emerging because of the circle economy development, in which pet and plastics recycling plays the key role. In turn, a new waste management system is already in operation in Russia for a year which goal is to increase the volume of plastic processing.

It’s also important to take into account the increasing of bottle PET import volumes from China. In this case the production and consumption structure might switch to more marginal products, such as films, sheets, fibers, and yarns.

“PET, RPET and recycled plastics” is the unique industry event in Russia and CIS countries where the key issues of market are discussed. Among the participants of the conferences are major russian and foreign producers and processors of PET and recycled plastics, waste management companies, traders, state institutions, and etc.

Тo request more information about the event please contact Conference Director Alina Ilicheva by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88 or e-mail:


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