Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

PET 2017

Dear Sirs!

INVENTRA has the pleasure of inviting you to the Thirteenth International «PET 2017» Conference.

Dates: February 16, 2017
Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow

The long-lasting standoff between the players of PET market and the lobbyists of PET bottle prohibition for low-alcohol drinks has come to its logical conclusion. The total ban was not introduced, though the bottle volume is now limited to 1.5 liters. This decision can be called a compromise, but there never was a good war or a bad peace.

The Polyester Complex project in Ivanovo has moved one step closer to realization. The financing issues are about to be solved, and the project will enter its final stage. The launch of new polyester fiber production will change the structure of the Russian market, which was dominated by PET for bottling applications. Apart from this, there is still hope that SafPet and other PET production projects, as well as feedstock production plans will be implemented in future.

The shortage of feedstock in the CIS has long been one of the most serious issues in the segment. But now there are plans for the new TPA production plant in Kazakhstan, with probable supplies to Russia. New Russian and regional suppliers of terephthalic acid will help increase healthy competition and reduce the cost, which in turn will have a positive impact on margins and prices in the local PET market.

The past year has brought some positive news indicating that the Russian PET segment is recovering from recession. What will the year 2017 be for the industry? – this is the main question for the forthcoming Conference.

To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:


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