Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

Oil and Petrochemical Wastes 2018

Dear Sirs!

CREON Energy has the pleasure of inviting you to the Fourth International «Oil and Petrochemical Wastes 2018» Conference, which is held at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow on March 20, 2018.

The Year of Ecology, announced in Russia in 2017, not only revealed many environmental problems, but also helped to solve some of them. In any case, the «green» focus in the Russian industry should be preserved and become a permanent trend, not a temporary one.

Utilization and neutralization of oil wastes is one of the most significant problems in the world. The growth of oil production and oil refining is accompanied by the increasing volumes of oil pollution and various petroleum and petrochemical wastes. The oil spills, which commonly occur because of the deterioration of the pipeline system, should also be mentioned. However, the industry experts argue that the most important problem is the existence of «gaps» in legislation and the vague system of «punishment», as the oil companies are easily paying low environmental fines and keeping the profits.

The most common way to store all types of oil wastes is creating sludge pits. Considering the growing volumes of oil sludge, the areas involved are getting larger, while covering them with sand often conserves and prolongs the negative impact on the soil. According to the environmental organizations, the solution to such problems lies in holding broad discussions, which almost does not happen now.

The international practice is helpful in understanding the scale of fines applied in other countries. Globally available technologies are capable of recycling any type of oil waste both onsite and at stand-alone plants, leaving no new waste. What should be done in Russia (as well as in the CIS countries, where waste management is also an issue) so that the oil companies get stimulated to invest in solving the problem? Or will the story be similar to the battles regarding APG: it took many years until the oil companies switched from flaring to utilization. Or is it rather a price and market issue, as the oil company does not wish to sell the waste at a knockdown price, but also does nothing but stores it? How will the processing of oil waste be developing in the nearest future in Russia and the CIS?

The main discussion topics at the Conference include:

· Results of the Year of Ecology in the Russian Federation

· Oil sludge recycling overview and perspective: global practice and Russian reality

· Advanced technologies for petrochemical waste processing

· Processing of drilling waste

· APG: is it still a by-product?

· Regulatory documentation on waste management: what has changed?

· Government stimulation: does it really exist?

To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:


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