Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

Mineral Fertilizers 2018

Dear Sirs,

CREON Chemicals has the pleasure of inviting you to the Eleventh International «Mineral Fertilizers 2018» Conference which will be held in Perm on November 20-21 this year. The Conference is supported by the Federal Anti-Monopoly Service of the Russian Federation and Government of Perm Krai. SPIMEX is the General Partner of the conference.

Perm Krai is one of the economically developed regions of Russia where production of mineral fertilizers has the leading share in the chemical industry. Four industrial enterprises producing potash and nitrogen fertilizers are located in the territory of Perm Krai, and two more projects for production of potassium chloride have been announced.

The above gives us grounds to announce Perm as this year’s venue for our Conference, the well-established platform bringing together the market players for over 10 years with the aim to resolve important issues in the industry and to discuss the main trends in the mineral fertilizers markets.

The main discussion topics at the Conference include:

  • Russian and global markets of mineral fertilizers – trends and development outlook.
  • Measures of State support for fertilizers export.
  • Tax incentives of industry development.
  • Improvement of tariff regulation for fertilizers railway transportation.
  • Development of port infrastructure for fertilizers transshipment.
  • Antimonopoly regulation of the industry.
  • Price situation in the Russian fertilizers market.
  • First results of trading fertilizers at organized commodity exchange.
  • Newly announced and recently launched.

The Conference enjoys participation of Russian and international producers of mineral fertilizers, equipment suppliers, representatives of government bodies and scientific organizations, largest agricultural holdings and trade associations.

To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88 or e-mail:


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