Dear Sirs!
CREON ENERGY has the pleasure of inviting you to the Third International «Gas Cylinders. Results of the Year 2017» Conference.
Date: November 23, 2017
Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow
The critical uncertainty continues to hurt the Russian market of gas cylinders for several years now. From the Government’s side, there is an ambition to put the market in order, but the number of expired cylinders to be scrapped is so large that the complexity of this process and the time it will consume becomes discouraging. Meanwhile, despite the difficulties, the interest to invest in the industry continues to grow: both foreign and local companies are ready. At present, new production capacities are announced in Russia and other countries of the Customs Union, and it is possible to discuss a production line for repair and re-certification of gas cylinders.
The market is developing, and we hope that this encourages our key producers to comply with high standards and to improve their products. Without any doubt, we support the assertion that the development and provision of high-level safety in the industry today is impossible without joint efforts of all market participants together with government authorities.
CREON ENERGY is proud to be the organizer of the key Conference, where the main players of the gas cylinder market summarize the results of the year, build forecasts for the future, announce and discuss new projects, all in a productive dialogue with representatives of the government bodies.
Participants of previous conferences include Air Liquide, Air Products, Cavagna Group, Centrgaz, Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant, Cryogen, Eurocylinder Systems, Europa Uno Trade, Fargaz Rus, Federal Agency on Technical Regulating and Metrology, Gazprom gazenergoset, Hexagon Composites Rus, Horst, Integrated Gas Technologies, Klim Company, Linde Gas Rus, Ministry of Energy of Moscow Region, Mosenergo, NII KM, Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant, Orsk Mechanical-Engineering Plant, Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, Pozhtechnika, Recoma Group, RosNITI, Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Sofrino-Gas, TMK, UralOxygen, Vitkovice Cylinders, Worthington and other companies.
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (405) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:
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¹ Creon Conferences publishes information and provides services for participants of the global market, that’s why we need to share your personal data with Creon Conferences and service providers, both in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and outside it.