Dear Sirs!
CREON Energy has the pleasure of inviting you to the Second International «Gas Cylinders. Results of the Year 2016» Conference.
Date: November 24, 2016
Venue: Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow
First conference devoted to the Russian market of gas cylinders was held by CREON ENERGY in March this year. Attended by the key players, the event sparked a wide response in the industry. The discussions revealed that there are fundamental controversies in understanding the ways to implement the legislation that had been introduced with respect to gas cylinders.
The government bodies responded promptly: the federal agency’s order dated 26/05/2016 established the Working group for elaboration of common approach to fulfillment of the requirements of Customs Union’s Technical Regulation «On the safety of high-pressure equipment». Currently, the working group closely co-operates with technical regulation bodies, laboratories, equipment producers and distributors.
However, elaboration of a common methodology for application of the adopted rules and regulations would require consolidation of efforts of public authorities with all market participants. Therefore we consider it necessary to continue networking at the independent platform launched in March. In this respect, we invite you again to get together to stipulate the joint position of the industry, to review the results of the year, and to develop the strategy for 2017.
Following main topics will be discussed at the Conference:
• Sources to finance replacement of old cylinders
• Problems of delivery and filling gas cylinders
• Maintenance and safe operation of cylinders
• The need to organize professional community responsible for lobbying interests of all market players at the government level
Participants of the previous conference include Air Liquide, Air Products, Cavagna Group, Centrgaz,
Cryogen, Eurocylinder Systems, Gazprom Gazenergoset, Hexagon Composites Rus, Horst, Integrated Gas Technologies, Linde Gas Rus, Mosenergo, Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant, Orsk Engineering Plant, Pervouralsk Pipe Plant, Russian Research Institute of Pipe Industry (RosNITI), Sklifosovsky Institute of Emergency Medicine, Technip, TMK, UralOxygen Company, Vitkovice Cylinders, Worthington.
We unite all the interested market participants at our platform and will be delighted to welcome you among the delegates of the International «Gas Cylinders. Results of the Year 2016» Conference. By taking part in the Conference you will access relevant information on the current situation and market trends, meet key experts and establish business contacts.
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88 or e-mail:
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