Dear Ladies and Gentlemen!
INVENTRA, part of CREON Group, has the pleasure of inviting you to the Fifth International «Composites and Compounds 2016» Conference.
Global production of composites is growing by 5-8% annually, and the key market players are China, the USA, European Union and Southeast Asia countries. The strong growth in the Russian market was replaced by stagnation last year, and Russia has only a few-percent share in the world production now. The estimated market volume stays at the level of 2014, at about 30 billion rubles. However, the composite segment in Russia has grown by over 30% for the past several years.
The development potential in the Russian composites market is huge: in accordance with the sub-program adopted by the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, production of composite materials in Russia is expected to reach 120 billion rubles by 2020, while consumption will increase from 0.5 to 1.5 kg per capita. Despite the crisis, positive news are coming from the market too: MC-21, the advanced Russian airliner, will have composite wings; about 25% of the fifth-generation fighter T50 will be made of carbon fiber-reinforced composite, with 70% carbon in its covering (at least 300 tons of composites will be consumed for construction of 60 fighters). Russia’s largest producer of thermoplastic composite materials plans to expand capacities: production volume will reach 60 thousand tons, over 7 billion rubles per year in value.
Special composite production clusters are being launched in many regions of Russia. Products made of composite materials are being used more widely: fiberglass reinforcement is meeting demand in construction; consumption of fiberglass pipes has grown by more than 20% in 2013-2014. Composites produced by local companies are becoming better in quality, and supplies to the foreign markets, including in Europe, are on the way.
In the current economic situation, the market players need a consolidated approach to solving common problems, one of these being almost full (up to 90 percent) dependence on imported feedstock for production of composite materials.
Participants of previous conferences organized by INVENTRA include Aerocomposit, Composite Holding Company, Dugalak, Galen, Irkut Corporation, Mashspetsstroy, Mitsui, POLYPLASTIC Group, Roscompipe, Rostvertol, Russian Helicopters, Sabic Innovative Plastics, Sibur, Sukhoi, Steklovolokno, Tatneft, Teijin, Toray, United Aircraft Corporation, United Engine Corporation, Uvicom, VIAM, VNIISV, VSMPO AVISMA etc.
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:
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