Friday, 14th March
Friday, 14th March

Chemicals for Gold Ore Processing 2018

Dear Sirs!

CREON Chemicals has the pleasure of inviting you to the Third International «Chemicals for Gold Ore Processing 2018» Conference. The event is held at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow on March 1.

Russia is steadily ranked third in global gold production, only behind China and Australia. CREON’s estimate of gold production volume in Russia stands at 300 tons in 2017. The annual increase in production of both ore and surface gold is about 2%, supported by commissioning of new and modernization of existing capacities.

The growth of gold mining and processing by Russian companies is triggering the increased use of chemical reagents. Will local gold miners chose Russian or foreign-made chemicals? Will Russian reagents producers meet the demand in the gold mining industry or will they prefer to export products? These are the topics we suggest be discussed at the «Chemicals for Gold Ore Processing 2018» Conference.

2018 Conference topics include:

• Overview and development outlook for the Russian gold mining industry
• Russian market of chemicals for gold ore processing
• Ways to reduce production costs by applying new reagents
• Assessment of quality and competitiveness of Russian and imported reagents
• Alternative reagents for gold-bearing muck processing
• Solutions for processing ores with low content of precious metal

«Chemicals for Gold Ore Processing 2018» Conference is the platform for the dialogue between suppliers of reagents and gold miners. Mining companies, producers and suppliers of chemical reagents, scientific organizations, and suppliers of equipment are invited to participate in the Conference to jointly solve the important issues in the industry. We invite you to join the audience of the event.

To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:


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