Dear Sirs!
CREON Energy has the pleasure of inviting you to the Eighth International «Associated Petroleum Gas 2017» Conference. The Conference is part of Rational Approach Project, a series of events devoted to environmental issues and run by CREON Group together with WWF. The importance of environment-related conferences increases in 2017 as it has been declared the Year of Ecology in Russia.
Date: March 21, 2017
Venue: Baltschug Kempinski Hotel Moscow
The utilization of APG started to be considered as a serious challenge in Russia about a decade ago. This was caused by almost twofold growth in its production; through APG flaring at oilfields, about $ 3.5-4.5 billion had been wasted annually.
Over the past several years though, the problem of APG utilization has won particular attention of the Government, and the change benefited both the industry and the environment. Affected by stimuli from the authorities, the oil E&P companies started to invest in processing of APG, and the utilization rate reached 88.2% in 2015, 13-14% higher than 10 years ago.
With oil companies actively addressing the APG utilization issue, in September 2016 the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of the Russian Federation drafted amendments to the Decree that regulates fines for exceeding APG flaring limits. According to the experts, the target flaring levels can be achieved only if the Government takes further regulatory steps, taking into consideration the continued growth of APG production. One of such steps is lifting access restrictions for all APG producers to the Gazprom-owned pipeline transportation system.
The following topics will be discussed at «Associated Petroleum Gas 2017» Conference:
We bring together all the interested market participants at our platform and will be delighted to welcome you among the delegates of the International «APG 2017» Conference. By taking part in the Conference you will gain access to comprehensive information about the current situation in the market, meet the key experts and strengthen your business contacts.
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:
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¹ Creon Conferences publishes information and provides services for participants of the global market, that’s why we need to share your personal data with Creon Conferences and service providers, both in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and outside it.