Dear Sirs,
CREON Energy has the pleasure of inviting you to the Fourth International «Gas Cylinders. Results of the Year 2018» Conference. The event is held at Hotel Baltschug Kempinski Moscow on November 20, 2018.
The Conference is the only event in Russia entirely devoted to the gas cylinders market. Annually, the key market players and industry experts get together at Creon’s independent platform in order to summarize the results, share forecasts, announce and discuss new projects. This goes along with the productive dialogue between the business community and the representatives of government bodies.
The key Conference topics include:
Participants of previous conferences include Air Liquide, Air Products, BKB Cavagna Group, Centrgaz, Chelyabinsk Pipe-Rolling Plant (ChelPipe), Cryogen, DPO Plastik, EMERCOM of Russia, Eurocylinder Systems, Europa Uno Trade, Fargaz Rus, Gazprom Gazenergoset, Hexagon Composites Rus, Horst Group, Hyosung Corporation, Integrated Gas Technologies, Linde Gas Rus, Ministry of Energy of Moscow Region, Mosenergo, NII KM, Novogrudok Gas Equipment Plant, Orsk Machine-Building Plant, Pervouralsk New Pipe Plant, Pozhtekhnika, Recoma Group, Rev and Partners, RosNITI, Rosstandart, Russian Cylinders, Sklifosovsky Research Institute of Emergency Medicine, Sofrino-Gaz, TMK, UralOxygen, Vitkovice Cylinders, Worthington etc.
To request more information about the event please contact us by phone +7 (495) 276-77-88, +7 (495) 797-49-07 or e-mail:
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¹ Creon Conferences publishes information and provides services for participants of the global market, that’s why we need to share your personal data with Creon Conferences and service providers, both in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and outside it.
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¹ Creon Conferences publishes information and provides services for participants of the global market, that’s why we need to share your personal data with Creon Conferences and service providers, both in the countries of the European Economic Area (EEA) and outside it.